Remote Inspection Software

Full visibility of your sites and facilities, without leaving your desk.

Avatour delivers a complete 360° view of the site, to enable efficiency-driven teams to conduct remote inspections and audits with confidence.

A Complete 360° View​

Conduct remote inspections and audits of your sites and facilities with a complete 360° panoramic view.

Easily Record & Document​

Avatour features make it easy to record walkthroughs with 360° video, take snapshots, and photo-document the inspections for further review.

Visibility On Demand​

Host meetings on site virtually, and collaborate instantly. Eliminate unnecessary downtime and get back the hours spent traveling to and from your sites.

Industry Standard Security​

Avatour's remote inspection software uses industry-standard encryption for all visual and auditory content captured during the meeting.

Real-Time Remote Inspections​

Perform remote inspections and audits in real time with Avatour's unique, live capabilities.

Multiple subject matter experts, stakeholders, and other participants can join the inspection at once - each with control over their own view within the 360° environment.
Learn About Features

Record Walkthroughs, Take Snapshots, and Review as a Team​

Easily record walkthroughs of the site or facility and upload directly to Avatour's remote inspection software.

Review 360° videos and other assets asynchronously, or as a team, and discuss findings in an Avatour Meeting.
Learn About Quick Capture
avatour workspace dashboard

Schedule Inspections and Manage Collaborator Access

Schedule inspections, send invitations, and manage access to recorded assets on the Avatour Console.
Learn About Workspaces

Step 1: Get the Kit

Avatour offers a complete kit that includes everything you need to get started.

The kit includes a 360-degree camera, an extendable stick, a tripod base, bluetooth audio, and more.

Step 2: Invite Guests

Log in to Avatour either on a web browser or on the mobile Host App.

Set up the tour and invite guests via email.

Step 3: Run the Tour

Join the meeting to start your live virtual tour.

Remote guests can look around in real time by clicking and dragging on the screen.
“... it makes a big difference vs Skype or Zoom.That 360° experience reduces any doubts on their end that we’re hiding things and that’s a really valuable aspect during business development.”
jean noel david photo
Jean-Noël David
Managing Director CDMO North America at SEQENS

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Avatour meetings secure?
Yes. Avatour uses industry-standard encryption for all visual and auditory content captured during the meeting.
Click here for more information on Avatour privacy and security, or contact us directly.
Is the capture system portable?
Absolutely. Unlike wired conference-room 360 cameras, Avatour is designed to move. Avatour uses off-the-shelf compatible 360° cameras, which are lightweight and battery powered, and can be easily carried throughout a site or facility. Typically they operate for 45 minutes with built-in power, or over 4 hours with our recommended external battery pack. Audio is usually provided using a Bluetooth headset.
Does everyone in the meeting require a 360 camera?
Not at all. Avatour is designed to share the context of a single location with remote users located anywhere. The 360° camera is located on site, and is used to either provide a live connection or to capture 360° video for later review. Remote users can join using a standard web browser on a computer or mobile device, with the option to use a VR headset or an Igloo Immersive Room.
How many people can join a meeting?
Up to 20 remote participants can join the meeting using a standard web browser on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, with the option to use a VR headset or an Igloo. With our optional Webinar feature, up to 30 participants can join in a non-interactive fashion (no webcam or audio).
Do you need a Wifi connection at the site?
No, WiFi connection is not needed at the inspection site; several alternative options are available.

Cellular service works well in many situations. 4G LTE cellular service is generally sufficient for uplink in the 2-6mbps range. We recommend the use of 5G where available, as uplink is generally more robust and higher bandwidth.

Starlink satellite service can be used to establish connections in many places where no cellular service is available. Avatour generally works well with Starlink connections, although throughput varies widely on the Starlink network, which can impact visual quality.

For sites where no Internet connection of any sort is available, our Quick Capture recording can be used to capture 360 content. The recorded video can be later uploaded to the Avatour system for individual or group review.

Click here for more information on Avatour connectivity requirements and how to assess connectivity at your site.
What are the bandwidth requirements?
For live sessions, Avatour works with most Internet connections, although the requirements are different for the on-site Operator and the remote Participants.

For the Operator, uplink is most important. Avatour delivers an acceptable experience when streaming video at 2mbps, and maximum quality at 10mbps. Our system manages low bandwidth by reducing frame rate, preserving visual quality as much as possible. When specifying link capacity, a good rule of thumb is to target capacity of at least twice the streaming bitrate, to accommodate other traffic and overhead. Downlink bandwidth requirements are lower and usually not an issue if sufficient uplink is available.

For the Participant side, it’s best if the user’s downlink capacity is at least double the Operator’s uplink rate. However, the Avatour system will dynamically accommodate lower Participant bitrates by transcoding the 360 stream, so connections as low as 2mbps are workable, albeit with lower quality. 1mbps uplink is sufficient for Remote Participants.
Which 360° cameras do you support/recommend?
For the most current information on which 360° cameras Avatour supports and recommends, click here. You might also be interested in this article on how does a 360 degree camera work.
Does every remote user have to look in the same direction?
No! Each remote user has independent access to the full 360 livestream or recording. Different participants can be evaluating different aspects of the captured location simultaneously.
Can I create a virtual tour with Avatour?
Absolutely. Avatour is the easiest way to host pre-recorded or live 360 virtual tours. Unlike photosphere-based tours, Avatour can include live or recorded video along with your narration. A pre-recorded tour can be created in two clicks with our QuickCapture capability; live tours are as easy as sending a calendar invitation. Learn more about Avatour for virtual tours.
How is Avatour different from digital twin technology?
Digital twins are designed to capture a snapshot of the physical plant at a location. They're great for that. What they don't do is capture people or processes, or enable conversation or collaboration. Avatour is designed to enable remote visibility not just to a physical location, but also to the things that happen there.
How does Avatour deliver business value?
Avatour delivers return on investment (ROI) by reducing travel costs. However it provides more intangible benefits as well: by making it easier for stakeholders to access remote locations, it can create more frequent visibility, making Avatour among the most effective continuous improvement tools and lean manufacturing tools.

Ready to Learn More?

See more about how the Avatour platform works, or schedule a personal demo.

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