Features & Capabilities

Built for On-Site Meetings

Avatour is the only video conferencing platform designed for collaboration and communication around physical spaces. The unique ability to interact in a 360° environment lets users share the context of the location visually, for an enhanced remote collaboration experience.  

Click, Drag, Zoom | 360° View

Participants in the meeting have the ability to click and drag for a complete panoramic view when a live or pre-recorded 360° video feed is available. Even zoom in for higher detail!

Each participant can look around independently, seeing what they want to see, not just what the camera operator chooses to show.

Snapshots and Video Notes

Grab Snapshots in 2D or 360° from either live or pre-recorded video, and store the images to the cloud securely for later review.

Input Notes directly onto 360° videos, or on Snapshots, and discuss in comment threads. Turn a live or recorded walkthrough directly into a punch list of action items!

Share a link directly to a Note to invite colleagues to literally see your point of view.

Geospatial Capture

With compatible capture hardware, record real-time GPS tracking along with your 360 videos and images. Access imagery by capture timeline or by lat/long location. Combine multiple capture passes into a single workspace to map a larger area or record changes over time.
image of avatour workspaces for asynchronous collaboration


Workspaces are the core organizational concept in Avatour, allowing your team to organize meetings and content in a way that suits your workflow.

They serve as shareable containers for your assets – 360° videos, images, and documents – and manage access to ensure only the right people can access them.

Set up a separate workspace for each site, each client, each team, or any number of other applications.

Live and Offline ML/AI Processing

Avatour's cloud-based AI processing uses machine learning models for real-time and offline visual processing. Use our default model to blur faces for privacy, or work with our team to implement your own object detection and processing models.
man with virtual reality headset on Avatour

Virtual Reality Compatibility

The Avatour platform is VR compatible, to provide remote participants with a fully immersive experience.

Meetings can be joined via VR headsets, and other devices simultaneously, to provide a flexible collaboration experience.

Secondary Camera

The secondary camera feature allows you to look at objects in much greater detail by streaming video directly from a smartphone, tablet, or webcam.

The secondary camera feed can display along with a live 360° video stream or by itself.

Guest Point-of-View Indicators

White, circular indicators will show you where other remote participants are looking in the 360° field of view.


Remote users can "point" or highlight a specific area of interest within the 360° environment.The camera operator and other remote users will then see the area of interest highlighted by an orange, circular indicator.

Quick Capture

Record and upload 360° video and photos directly from the camera to the Avatour platform in a few simple steps.

Webinar Mode

For marketing and sales presentations, Webinar Mode allows you to invite spectators to join a live 360° meeting without webcam or audio participation.

Efficiency Estimates

Track travel cost savings, time savings, and Co2 reduction numbers in your Host dashboard.

Asset & Screen Sharing

Share your screen, as well as pre-loaded cloud assets (360 videos, images, etc) in your Avatour meeting -- perfect for checklists, training videos, and more.

See Plans & Pricing

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