Improving Quality Control Processes with Remote 360° Inspections

Virtual inspections for quality control aren’t just an auxiliary option to replace in-person visits. 360° technology become an integral part of QC processes.

Improving Quality Control Processes with Remote 360° Inspections
September 10, 2024

Virtual inspections for quality control aren’t just an auxiliary option to replace in-person visits – with 360° technology, they’ve become an integral part of QC processes. They offer unmatched precision thanks to panoramic camera angles while cutting the expenses connected with typical business trips. For more on the role of 360° video inspections in QC processes, read the rest of the article below.

Evolution of Quality Control with 360° Technology

Quality control (QC) forms a cornerstone aspect of any company’s continuous improvement techniques and processes. While in the past, much like in the case of safety inspections, QC was only possible to conduct in person, recent technological advancements have brought with them a range of new tools. With the advent of one such tool – namely 360° video inspections in QC – the playing field of many industries has shifted forever.

Why You Should Consider Performing Quality Control with 360° Inspections

Companies that prioritize innovation can leverage this tool to improve the efficiency of quality control measures. By taking advantage of the panoramic camera angles and high image quality, comprehensive hybrid inspection strategies can be established and implemented in a much more realistic manner. This has the immediate benefit of cutting down on travel costs and the time quality inspectors need to invest to show at the site in person. 

Moreover, this technology can facilitate conducting more frequent inspections, enabling organizations to maintain tighter control over the quality of their manufacturing and business processes. 

Additionally, there are no limits to how many experts can participate in remote inspections. The more eyes pore over in search of inefficiencies or shortcomings, the more likely they are to be spotted, especially given the impact of 5G technology, which allows for exceptional video quality.

Lean Management and Virtual Inspections for Quality Control

Proper QC practices can make or break a business, sometimes virtually overnight. If a defect makes it through the checks, it can lead to financial losses and damage the brand’s reputation. This is where virtual inspections come into play as an effective tool for quality control.

One particular advantage offered by this technology is how seamlessly it fits into the broader suite of lean management tools. The methodology, focusing on reducing waste and generating as much value as possible, thrives on efficiency and precision – principles that align perfectly with the core objectives of quality control.

Within the lean management framework, the overarching goal is to analyze all aspects of a business to search for waste in resource allocation and address it. Quality control with 360° inspections helps achieve exactly that in many areas. For example, 360° video in supply chain management can facilitate optimizing storage and conducting remote inventory inspections, among other things.

Another critical aspect of lean management – continuous improvement, or Kaizen – also benefits from 360° inspections. As they provide companies with detailed records of the production environment through visual documentation, it becomes tremendously easier to:

  • Analyze recorded footage of past inspections and identify trends that decrease productivity;
  • Take appropriate steps to address them and measure their effectiveness over time;
  • Keep iterating on training programs and corrective actions to develop the best solutions.

Of course, other lean practices align with 360° inspection as well. Visual oversight to monitor adherence to 5S principles becomes easier, as does Value Stream Mapping and the Kanban scheduling system. 

The Takeaway

Overall, the potential benefits in business performance achievable thanks to quality control with 360° inspections are clear. Industries that rely on stringent quality control, like pharmaceutical companies, aerospace engineering, or the automotive industry, will find this technology indispensable to both maintain compliance with ISO standards and facilitate continuous improvement techniques.

Avatour is ready to help you improve quality control through remote inspections made possible with cutting-edge technology. Schedule a demo to see us in action today!

You may also read: The Future of Remote Inspection Technologies.

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