How 360° Video Platforms Reduce 'Zoom Fatigue' in Remote Teams

Online video calls can get overly tedious if carried out too frequently. After all, they mostly involve sitting in front of a computer screen and listening to other people talk for 30 to 60 minutes at a time.

How 360° Video Platforms Reduce 'Zoom Fatigue' in Remote Teams
October 14, 2024

Online video calls can get overly tedious if carried out too frequently. After all, they mostly involve sitting in front of a computer screen and listening to other people talk for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. The prevalence of this during the Covid-19 outbreak led to the coining of the poignant term “Zoom fatigue”. Though the days of the pandemic are largely behind us, the phrase stuck around. However, implementing 360° video platforms for remote teams can drastically reduce Zoom fatigue with immersive video calls. To find out more about how they facilitate better collaboration (and much more), read the full article below.

The Challenge of Traditional Video Calls in Modern Work Spaces

In many organizations, remote communication between key team members is essential for optimizing project workflows, productivity, and exchanging ideas. Preferably, these meetings would take place in physical spaces; however, in the modern digital age, technology has transformed what earlier was a requirement into an option. Thanks to video conferencing platforms, which have definitely been a blessing, teams can communicate in a flash.

As with numerous other examples, this sword certainly has a double edge, too. “Zoom fatigue” is indeed a very real term, and it refers to the oncoming exhaustion experienced as a result of prolonged video calls. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • Problems with video quality (sound or video interference, glitches, connectivity issues)
  • Increased cognitive load due to the minimal role of non-verbal communication
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Eye strain

On top of that, video calls are rarely able to adequately convey how work is done in the “actual place”, otherwise known as “Gemba” which is one of the five pillars of lean methodology. While these workspace inspections aim to identify areas for improvement in real-time, remote video calls usually take place after the fact, typically in a room far away from the actual production floor. And even when a phone is used for a video call at the Gemba, it typically captures only the caller's face, not the "actual place."

It’s therefore clear that a solution is needed. The ideal tool should reduce the mental strain of constant video meetings, eliminate the associated challenges, and allow team members and managers alike to strive for continuous improvement via actionable insights.

Introducing 360° Video Platforms for Remote Teams

Real-time 360° video solutions offer a revolutionary approach to remote collaboration. By addressing many of the aforementioned challenges and reducing Zoom fatigue with immersive video, companies can look to these platforms to replace traditional video calls while still enhancing overall communication efficiency. Here’s how:

Immersive Engagement

360° video platforms are second to none for making viewers feel as if they’re actually in the same physical space. There are numerous benefits to this, though the primary one revolves around the improved effectiveness of remote continuous improvement strategies, which standard video meetings simply can’t match.

Enhanced Spatial Awareness

With 360° video, users can look around the environment freely, improving spatial awareness and making it easier to understand complex spatial relationships and layouts. This is particularly important for management staff who struggle to identify areas for improvement.

Virtual Gemba Walks

By greatly reducing the need for in-person visitations, team members and managers can observe work processes in real-time through virtual Gemba walks. This opens up the opportunity to reap the ROI at a fraction of the cost due to reduced travel time, costs, as well as no limitation in regard to how many team members can participate in these inspections.

The Takeaway

As awareness surrounding the challenges of Zoom fatigue rises, so will the need for management to adapt to their teams’ needs to ensure optimal efficiency. 360° video platforms for remote teams represent a solution to meet just that demand, limiting the cognitive load associated with traditional video conferencing while raising the value and ROI tremendously.

You may also read: How Do 360-Degree Cameras Work?

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