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Capture Hardware

How do I connect the Pilot Era to a Netgear M1 or M5 hotspot with wired Ethernet?

Connecting the camera to the hotspot with an Ethernet cable will provide better performance in areas with significant RF interference. Here's how to do it.

Netgear Nighthawk hotspots


The Nighthawk range of hotspots are among the most powerful on the market, with extensive band coverage, and in the M5 version, 5G support. However, a poor WiFi environment can lead to poor performance. Connecting an Ethernet cable will help you get the best performance out of your hotspot.

Physical Connection

You'll need a USB-C Ethernet hub and an Ethernet cable. Connect the Ethernet cable between the hub and the Ethernet port on the hotspot, and connect the hub to the USB-C port on the bottom of the Pilot camera. Be sure to connect the Ethernet cable first, and then connect the USB-C port to the camera.


Optionally, you can also connect a USB power cable to provide backup power for your Pilot camera. Connect the USB-C power input on the hub to the charging output on the hotspot. (On the M1, the USB-A connector provides power; on the M5, the USB-C output does the same.)

Network Configuration - Netgear M5 ONLY

The M1 device does not need any manual configuration; however, the M5 does NOT automatically assign its DHCP addresses to the Ethernet port. As a result, when using the M5 hotspot you must manually configure the Pilot to the correct IP address. Follow this procedure:

  1. Choose the Settings icon on the Pilot menu
  2. Choose the "Ethernet" option
  3. Choose the "IP Settings" option, and then choose Manual
  4. Enter the following values in the dialog (you'll have to scroll the tiny window to see all of them, and if you can't scroll to the bottom, swipe right to exit and then choose IP Settings again):
    • IP address:
    • Gateway:
    • DNS:
    • Netmask:
  5. Click "Save." You should see a confirmation: "IP Settings Takes Effect"
  6. Swipe left to return to the Ethernet menu
  7. Press the physical button on the Pilot to return to the main menu


At this point you should see the Network icon appear in the upper right of the Pilot menu. If there is no Network icon, the Pilot is not connected. If there's no icon, try unplugging and re-inserting the USB-C hub.

When you see the Network icon, you're ready to start and run Avatour with the wired connection to your hotspot.