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Getting Started

How do I add my company branding to the Avatour experience?

Certain Avatour tiers include custom branding features. Here's how to apply them to your Avatour account.

Avatour enables you to customize the user experience with your own branding, for both web and VR-based users. To enable this feature, your Avatour account administrator must upload your branding assets using the Avatour console, and you need to share a special URL to enable the custom branding.

Uploading your Brand Assets

  1. From the Avatour console, choose the "Settings" option from the left menu.
  2. Under the "Customization" header, you'll see several options to upload files and select other options. The following files should be uploaded for full branding:
    • LOGO: Horizontal aspect ratio PNG or JPEG between 400-1200px wide
    • ICON: 1:1 square icon aspect ratio at exactly 400x400px
    • BACKGROUND IMAGE: This is displayed on the login page with a colored overlay. Must be a rectangular image at least 1500px by 1200px.
    • 360 BACKGROUND IMAGE: This is displayed in headset for VR users in the "lobby" area, or when no 360 feed is available. Must be in equirectangular monoscopic 360 format, at least 3000px by 1500px.
    • OVERLAY COLOR: This is the color used to overlay the background image on the login page. You may choose a color aligned with your brand.

Accessing the Branded Experience

To send your users to the Branded experience, you must create a unique URL. 

You can choose your company name, or (almost) any other string you choose, as a prefix for the domain. This becomes your new URL to access your branded Avatour pages.

For example, to link to the AVA2R session code, you would use the below format:

Contact Avatour Support for assistance in registering your desired domain name.