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Getting Started

Hardware Quickstart Video Guide for Capture Kit 2.0

Once you receive your Avatour kit, follow the videos below to see how your gear should be properly set up to Host sessions.

For the best experience with Avatour, we highly recommend charging the 360 camera and components a minimum of 90 minutes prior to scheduled sessions.

Avatour - Capture Kit 2.0 Setup and Assembly

This video details assembly, power, and Bluetooth options for your Pilot One AVATOUR setup.

Avatour - Basic Operation with Capture Kit 2.0

This video details how to use your Pilot One camera and launch the AVATOUR app

Avatour - Internet Connectivity for Capture Kit 2.0

This video details how to access your wifi/hotspot connections and password entry tips

Avatour - Bluetooth Options for Capture Kit 2.0

This video details Bluetooth options that can be used for higher quality audio with AVATOUR

Avatour - Power Management for Capture Kit 2.0

This video details power options that can help extend the battery life of your AVATOUR setup